Gidding Produce Show 2014 – a growing success

Gidding Produce Show 2014 - a growing success

What a show it was this year! Considering how difficult the weather has been at times we were a little apprehensive about how many entries we would get but we shouldn’t have worried. There was a wonderful array of vegetables and fruit and a great increase in

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MAMMA MIA! Gidding Goes Greek

MAMMA MIA! Gidding Goes Greek

MAMMA MIA! Gidding Goes Greek Location: Great Gidding Village Hall Join us for Mezze, Moussaka and Merrymaking Saturday 25th October from 7.45pm at Stavros’ Taverna in the Village Hall Musical entertainment, Greek Dancing (like Dad Dancing but prettier), even a bit of plate smashing! Dress Code: Think

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Is it possible? Less than a week to go before the Gidding Village Show !!

Is it possible?  Less than a week to go before the Gidding Village Show !!

Just a reminder that there’s less than a week to go before the village show and BBQ on Sat 6th September from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. We hope that there will be plenty of entries this year and know that it’s been a difficult year (again) but don’t

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The 2014 Great Gidding Village Show

The 2014 Great Gidding Village Show

Village Show Update Another challenging year for gardeners but we feel sure that even after all the difficulties we’ve faced with the weather, the village show is going to have some great entries. It’s always a pleasure to see the fantastic results people achieve with their vegetables

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Remember! Great Gidding Village Show – Saturday 6th September.

Remember! Great Gidding Village Show – Saturday  6th September.

After such a wet start to the year it’s been good to see the sunshine and feel the soil warming up a bit. There’s been lots of activity on the allotments and the annual anxieties of whether it’s too early or too late to sow or plant

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Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting

The present committee will not be seeking re election. Therefore a new management  committee must be found or the Village Hall may have to close until a way forward is found. The Village Hall has been thoroughly modernised internally and is a very useful meeting space or

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Swing Night is a huge success

Swing Night is a huge success

Giddings teamwork is a marvellous thing and on Saturday night the ‘swing team’ had risen to the not undaunting challenge of transforming GG Village Hall into a spectacular night club redolent of the popular and vibrant era of big band swingtime. What a success! The room was

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Village Hall and Recreation Field

Village Hall and Recreation Field

Village Hall & Recreation Field Committee The next meeting will be on Date     12th May 2014 Venue  Village Hall meeting room Time   7:30pm Members of the public are welcome to attend. This is the AGM where a new committee will be elected and matters concerning

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Parish Council meeting

Parish Council meeting

The Monthly Parish Council Meeting The next meeting is on Monday 12th May 2014 Time  7:30pm Venue  Village Hall General public very welcome to attend. Please note that this is a joint meeting with the Village hall and Recreation field AGM.  A new committee to run these

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